Join us in providing amazing educational opportunities for our students from nursery school to grade 12.
We have almost no expenses and are a 100% volunteer foundation with no employees.
All donations are spent on operating, improving and maintaining the school building.
Our 2024 financial statement shows total expenses to be $28 in Canadian bank fees.
Did you know that, depending on your personal tax bracket, a $1000 donation results in a $300-$400 tax savings in the following year's tax return?!
Donate what ever you wish!
All donations - big or small - are greatly appreciated.
We use smaller donations to buy benches for classrooms, fund sports events and purchase sports equipment, provide lunches for students, and do minor school repairs such as painting.
Larger donations are used to pay teachers who don’t receive a regular salary, sponsor post-secondary scholarship students, and complete major building repairs.
Pay a teacher!

Presently the 25 CanSerra teachers who are qualified and have government approval receive $90/month.
The remaining 25 teachers who are qualified but do not have government approval, often go months without pay.
It’s hard to be on top of your game when you haven’t eaten.
We are working to provide them with $30 each month so they can purchase rice for their families.
The gratitude they have expressed for our support is nothing short of overwhelming.
We estimate that the $1000 a month we send for these 25 teachers is supporting over 100 people if you count the family members of the teachers.
We would be more than happy to direct your donation to these hard working dedicated individuals.
Sponsor a student in University or College!

In Sierra Leone a high school education does not usually lead to employment and, unfortunately, there are shortages of trained professionals in various fields.
We are providing our top students with the opportunity to study at the post-secondary level by funding tuition and living expenses.
Based on the needs of the families in our school community, attending university is close to impossible for all graduates.
Those selected are required to correspond with us regularly to report marks, attendance, courses outlines, successes and problems.
They are expected to give back to the community upon graduation by serving volunteer hours.
How to donate
Donations by cheque have no fees. All donations to Canada Helps come with a 5% fee so we encourage large amounts to be sent by etransfer or cheque.
To donate by cheque, simply make it out to Canserra Foundation and mail to 281 East Oliver Lake Road Neebing ON P78L0C7
Canserra will issue a tax receipt in late December.
Please include or email your full name and address as they must appear on our official CRA tax receipt.
We like to offer the option to send larger sums of money via etransfer so there is no 5% Canada Helps handling fee.
The process is simple.
We have auto deposit so no security question and answers are required,
Simply set us up in your contact list using our short name Canserra, phone number 807 628-0335 and our email canserrafoundation@gmail.com
Feel free to call if you want to verify this information. Also we can guide you through the etransfer process.
Canserra issues tax receipts on all donations.
A few years ago we opened a self-directed stock trading account attached to our CIBC bank account.
This has allowed us to accept donations of stocks which we sell and transfer into our regular bank account to transfer to the school.
The donor pays no capital gains on the stock and receives the full value of the stock on the tax receipt we issue.
Please contact if this option appeals to you.
This organization has been a great help to us. They provide a quick, reliable and safe way for donors to help a wide range of charities.
They also issue the tax reports directly to the donors for all donations as low as one dollar.
We are extremely grateful for all donations big or small.
Having Canada Helps issue a large number of tax receipts direct to the donor saves our volunteer auditor a lot of time.
Paying Canada Helps the 5% fee is well worth it.